Many times startups need to borrow money and take things on credit. In case of normal Partnerships, Partners personal savings and property would be at risk incase business is not able to repay its loans. In a private limited company, only investment in business is lost, personal assets of the directors are safe.
Better image and credibility in Market Private limited company is popular and well known business structure. Corporate Customers, Vendors and Govt. Agencies prefer to deal with Private Limited Company instead of proprietorship or normal partnerships.
For startups putting together a team and keeping them for long time is a challenge, due to confidence attached to private limited structure, it is easy to hire people as well as motivate them with corporate designations and stock options.
Pvt. Ltd. company enjoys wide options to raise funds through bank loans, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists, in comparison to LLPs and OPCs.
Investors love to invest in Private Limited companies as it is well structured and less strings attached. Most important it is very easy to exit from a private limited company.
Private Ltd. is easy to sell, very less documentation and cost is involved in selling a Pvt. Ltd. company.